About the Authors
Steve and Mary Prokopchak have been married for more than 40 years. Mary is a registered nurse and works with Steve in premarital counseling. Steve has a Master of Human Services degree and is a member of the Apostolic Council of DOVE Christian Fellowship International. The Prokopchaks have three adult children.
Mary and Steve are an incredible source of wise, Bible based and applicable information that can help you succeed in your marriage through their books Called Together and Staying Together.
Steve and Mary Prokopchak have faithfully served with us on our team for more than 37 years. Their books, training manuals and seminars have blessed countless leaders around the world. We highly recommend them to you!
Steve and Mary talk about the true God-intended mission and purpose for marriage in their books, Called Together and Staying Together.
Blogged Together
Steve Prokopchak regularly shares additional wisdom about faith, marriage, life, finances, kids and so much more via his personal blog. Get a peek at the six most recent entries here, or CLICK HERE to visit the full blog.
The Healing Power of Water
Posted on Friday February 07, 2025Did you know it’s a proven fact that when we’re around water, for example, oceans, lakes, streams and rivers, we are calmer, exhibit less anxiety and can actually be rejuvenated? ... Continue »King of the Mountain
Posted on Friday January 31, 2025Did you ever play king of the mountain when you were a kid? It was especially fun on a mountain of snow. The idea is that someone, the king, is ... Continue »Is Your Marriage Growing Closer or Distancing?
Posted on Friday January 24, 2025Marriage relationships are typically gaining ground or losing ground, becoming closer or creating distance. Let me share a few examples: A silence after a disagreement = distance Boredom sets into ... Continue »Rejection is Sometimes God’s Protection
Posted on Saturday January 18, 2025We all know how much we embrace and love rejection, right? Normally, rejection hurts and we avoid it at all cost. But sometimes rejection is actually God’s protection. How so? ... Continue »Are You Play Deficient in Your Marriage?
Posted on Friday January 10, 2025You’re happily married. In fact, you’d do it all over again, right? But now there are so many intense responsibilities. Multiple others are depending upon you. Life is serious and ... Continue »Developing Family Rhythms
Posted on Friday January 03, 2025Professionals are telling us that family rhythms are missing in today’s households. What are family rhythms? Those things that your family does to build relationship, maintain consistent values and grow ... Continue »
Additional Works
Identity: The Distinctiveness of You
Find a clear process of discovering your destiny through discovering your identity, and read about the trap of emotional dependency, the prison of self, sexual brokenness, healing damaged identity, and building identity in the heart of a child.
Who I Am In Christ
Provoke biblical change from the inside out. Dozens of scriptures describe who you are in Christ with space provided to make a personal commitment. A handy tool that tucks right in a Bible for repeated reference.
Praying for My Spouse
Dozens of scriptures to help you pray for your wife or husband. Pray them daily and see God work in his or her life! This handy tool tucks right in a Bible for repeated reference.
Praying for My Children
Dozens of scriptures to help you pray for your children. Pray them daily and see God work in his or her life! This handy tool tucks right in a Bible for repeated reference.
Thinking Right in a World that Thinks Wrong
Did you ever stop to analyze the process of change; the when, the why, the how? Change is lifelong. There does not seem to be a beginning point or ending. Change is an ongoing process.If you desire to cling to your past, this booklet is not for you. If you want to change and move on in your Christian walk, then carefully work through this booklet as it analyzes and gives applicable scriptures with helpful illustrations about this process of change.
Be Angry And Sin Not
Do you make excuses for your anger? Have you ever made excuses for the anger of another? Or, perhaps you’ve been affected by an angry person in your life. If so, you’ll identify with Rob’s story in Be Angry and Sin Not. Rob and his family experienced anger first-hand and its devastating effects. If you struggle with anger, this booklet will give you Biblical insight into how to make changes or help someone else.
Recognizing Emotional Dependency
Do you have a difficult time relating to those who spiritually, emotionally and physically drain you? Do you personally find yourself attracted to relationships which you believe will satisfy your emotional needs? This booklet identifies and deals with emotionally dependent relationships. It defines and identifies emotional dependency, giving examples from people’s lives. Solutions and assignments help to further reveal how a person may be free of dependent relationships.
Counseling Basics
As Christian leaders, we are called upon to counsel. For too long, we have been reminded of our limitations. But what about the potential? II Corinthians 3:5,6 tells us, “Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers…” Be an effective people helper.
In Pursuit of Obedience
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the tremendous self-discipline it takes to do what is outlined in scripture? Does God set limits for us because He desires to control us or because He loves us? God’s love for us must be the foundation upon which we build our emotional, physical and spiritual health. Yet, how do we obey God when the limit is uncomfortable for us? Learn how God sets “love boundaries” for our lives.
Battle Cry for Your Marriage
With raw honesty four couples tackle issues of spiritual, emotional and sexual intimacy along with many other marital stresses. The authors reveal marriage lessons learned through years of experience and from counseling others. Join the battle cry for healthy marriages in this generation.
The Value of a Sabbatical
Are you feeling exhausted in your workplace? Overextended? Unmotivated? A sabbatical may be the solution. Within the pages of this book, you will learn the ins and outs of a sabbatical—a period of rest, renewal and re-firing.
The Biblical Role of Elders in Today’s Church
Discover how every member of the body of Christ is affected and empowered for ministry when elders give healthy oversight to the church. This biblical model communicates the family character of the church as teams of servant-leaders equip, protect and love the local church.